The teams in Control are focused on ensuring the network is secure, contingencies are in place and lost supplies are restored as quickly as possible, minimising customer minutes lost and customer interruptions.
Our efficiency and effectiveness impacts on all five Western Power Distribution key customer promises, so we work collectively and collaboratively to ensure we deliver on safety, network reliability, excellent customer service and business efficiency, all while protecting the environment.
Based within our two Operational Centres, our Control Centres are the heartbeat of our operations, monitoring the system in real time, minimising risk of danger and managing security and faults. Control Centre teams also liaise with the National Grid and the Government to manage national network demand and monitor the potential for incidents or emergencies.
People join us in the Control Centre after having gained experience in other areas of the business, or through an apprenticeship, after a degree or from a clerical background.
In every case, we look at their training needs and offer formal courses, on the job, supervised experience and a tailored training schedule.
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